Weekly Update 8/29

Good afternoon families!

I cannot believe we will be welcoming students back into the building in two days!! We are excited to see everyone at Open House tomorrow night at 4:00-5:30.

Right now, we are planning on an outdoor open house, but will keep an eye on the weather. Our teachers will be gathered at the front of the school so be sure to look at the grade level signs. Tours will also be available for you to see the classrooms and other areas of the building.

We will have some backpacks available for any family that may need one. All Kindergarten students will get a free L.L. Bean backpack during their screening appointment

Bus Routes
Please be sure to check out the bus routes below

Tilton Lower Am.pdf Tilton Lower Pm.pdf

Arrival and Dismissal procedures
Please see the post on the school website for our Arrival and Dismissal procedures by clicking the link below. We have this system down to a science when families follow it exactly as it is posted. We get the line moving very efficiently. At open house, those families who will pick up in the afternoon will receive a colored placard to place in their car window which will allow us to see quickly who you are there to pick up and what grade they are in.


Hancock Street is for buses only.

Remember, any changes to your child’s dismissal plan must go through the main office so we can ensure your child goes home the correct way. You can send a note with your child to give to the teacher who will then inform the office.

Water bottles/Snacks
It will be important that your child brings a reusable/refillable water bottle with them each day, especially on hot days like Tuesday. We have bottle filling stations on the 1st and 2nd floors of the building.

Students should also bring a snack with them each day. Please limit it to something your child can finish within 15-20 min. Juice or water are perfect! We do not allow soda.

Breakfast and Lunch are free for all students. Breakfast will be available at 8:45.

Chromebook Device Insurance
Haverhill Public Schools has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the devices that will be given to your student as part of this year’s 1:1 device program. For only $20 per student, this insurance program will protect you and your student(s) in the event that your device is lost, stolen, or damaged accidentally over the course of the school year.

For more information, click here: https://www.haverhill-ps.org/technology/device-insurance/

Important Dates
8/29 Open House 4:00-5:30
8/30 First Day for students in Grades 1-8
9/2 Early Release @ 11:35
9/5 No School-Labor Day
9/6 No School-Primary Election Day

Have a wonderful night and we look forward to seeing you at Open House!
Mrs. Mackay