Weekly Update 9/12

Good afternoon Tilton families! We. hope you pause to remember those we lost on this date 21 years ago. Our thoughts and prayers are with those families today. A few updates and reminders for you today.

Lunch boxes/Sweatshirts
We know our Tigers are bound to misplace their lunchboxes throughout the day/year. If you could help us out by putting your child’s full name and room number on there it would be a great help to help us reunite your child with his/her missing lunch box.
Same goes for any sweatshirts. As the weather gets cooler, students will be wearing sweatshirts/coats which are also bound to be misplaced. If you could find a place on to put a sticker or use marker on an inside tag, that would help us greatly as well.

Device Insurance
Haverhill Public Schools has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the devices that will be given to your student as part of this year’s 1:1 device program. For only $20 per student, this insurance program will protect you and your student(s) in the event that your device is lost, stolen, or damaged accidentally over the course of the school year.  Please follow this link for more information and to sign up.  Haverhill Student Device Insurance

This information is also posted on the Parent and Student Resources page, Our Technology page, and the HPS Student Technology Device Policy  (Spanish Versiondocument.

Back to School BBQ

Join us on September 22, 2022 from 4:30-6:00 @ Tilton Lower for a joint Back to School BBQ! Food and fun! Let’s kick off a great school year! Please be sure to see the flyer that was sent home to RSVP.

Flyers have gone home. If you need more, please let us know! You can also order online using this link: https://tilton.rebeccasnutfree.com/. If you have family or friends outside of the area, they can order online and ship directly to them for an additional charge. They would select shipping as their option, rather than “Store Pickup” which means it will arrive at school.

iReady testing
This week we begin our ELA iReady testing. Please make sure your child brings his/her chromebook to school, fully charged.

District Calendars
Below are is the district calendar for the year.
Spanish HPS 2022-2023 Student Calendar 6.1.22.docx
Portuguese HPS 2022-2023 Student Calendar 6.1.22.docx

Make IT Haverhill Job Fair
Make IT Haverhill is hosting a job fair on September 15th from 4:00-6:00. Please see this link for a list of employers:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I_ALsWrh01qpH7uXE02yKUiCNqDr_kDOaepnC9Q5gZQ/edit
Flyer: JobFair MIH 9.15.22 Enlgish Spanish.pdf

As a reminder, Hancock St is for our buses only. Please do not park on the street to pick up students as those areas are designated for students who are walking home. Please also avoid walking within the lot as buses come through that area. Please walk outside of the fenced area. If you are parking on Hancock as a means to have time/space to ensure your child is secured in car seats, you can still be in the car pick up line and our staff will encourage you to pull all the way forward and walk your child to the vehicle to allow you to do this.

Upcoming dates:
9/22: Back to School BBQ @ Tilton Lower 4:30-600. Open to all Tilton students/families.
9/28: Early Release. Upper School Dismissal is at 11:05; Lower School Dismissal is at 11:35

I hope you have a wonderful day. Go PATS!
Mrs. Mackay