Concert Update

Good afternoon families! We are very excited for our concert tonight. As a reminder, we are strongly encouraging car pooling or the use of the bus we have secured. We dropped down to one bus due to low interest. Be advised that the parking lot is small, there may be parking on near by side streets, requiring you to walk a bit to get to the school. The bus will be out front of Tilton School on Grove St. at 5:00. It will leave by 5:15/5:20 at the latest.

For those driving to the school, once you come into the lobby, we ask you to take your child’s coat and they will be directed to classrooms to wait their turn to sing and you can find a seat in the gym.

For family not able to attend, we have a google meet and a live stream link for you.

Google Meet:

Live Stream:

Also, as a reminder, because of the concert, Lower School Discovery club is canceled. For those who have students at both schools, Upper School Discovery club is still occurring.

Can’t wait to see you all!
Mrs. Mackay