Weekly Update 9/18

Good afternoon families! We had our first ROAR assembly as a school on Friday. We have a focus on Respectful and Kind to Others, the first R in our ROAR rules. Students can earn Tiger paws and positive office referrals when caught following our school rules. Another point we focused on was keeping our school clean as we had many instances of students throwing paper towels and splashing water while using the restroom. We love great stories of our Tigers showing our ROAR rules outside of school too, so feel free to share how our Tigers are showing Respectful and Kind behavior in the community!

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Procedures can be found here:

Please always have an ID with you when picking up your child and communicate any changes in dismissal plans to the office. Be sure to call in if your child will be out sick or late.

While in the car drop off/pick up line: Please be mindful of the crosswalk out front. Be sure you have enough room to clear the crosswalk once you pull up. If you do not, please wait until you have enough room to clear the crosswalk. HPD has as crossing guards to enforce “no blocking crosswalks” .

For anyone looking to cross Grove St. It is imperative that you are using the crosswalk. I understand it is further down, but crossing in the middle of the pickup line puts everyone’s safety at risk. Grove St. is very busy at arrival and dismissal. Our staff will be directing families to use the crosswalk each and every time we witness anyone not using it.

Wit and Wisdom
Students in Grades 3 & 4 are in the midst of an exciting new Reading program called Wit and Wisdom. Each module has a Science or Social Studies theme, engages students in high quality text and tasks and ties in writing and responding to text. Click the link below for more information.

Back to School BBQ
Join us on Thursday September 28th at Consentino for our 2nd Annual Back to School BBQ! Dr. Poor and Mr. Mele have agreed to act as our chefs for the evening so we can gather and have some fun! Please be sure to RSVP as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly.

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Please continue to stress good attendance with your children.  This is a group effort and we are all working together to get all students to school every single day!  The first week in October, we are going to be doing an attendance breakfast for the homeroom with the best attendance.  More details to come!

Device insurance info
All students in HPS receive a chromebook and a charger. We strongly recommend all families sign up for device insurance to cover any loss or damage. You can sign up here.

Should you not opt in for insurance, you will be accountable for any damage or loss. Students should bring their chromebook to school each day, fully charged.

Spirit Wear!
We partner with American Outfitters for our Tilton Gear. The store is open now and the deadline to order is September 24th. ORders will be delivered directly to the school the week of October 9th. Please make sure to include your child’s teacher’s name when you order. A portion of sales comes back to the school! Here is the link: https://tiltontigers23.itemorder.com/

9/27 Early Release 11:35-Staff PD
9/28 Back to School BBQ 4:30-6:00. More details to come!
10/9 No School-Columbus Day
10/11 Picture Day-flyers coming soon!

Be sure to check the website regularly! https://tilton.haverhill-ps.org/

Enjoy your night!
Mrs. Mackay