Weekly Update 11/20

Good afternoon families!

This month I am highlighting our ESPs. Our ESPs go above and beyond each and every day to help our students whether it be in small group settings, greeting them while they are on duty, or when they take on the role of a teacher during an absence. This week I would like to spotlight the following:

Wendy Canney is an ESP in Kindergarten this year. She goes above and beyond to ensure the classroom runs smoothly. She supports students’ behavioral and social-emotional needs by taking them on walks or giving them one-on-one support throughout the day as needed. She pulls small groups of students to work on whatever skills they need during lessons. She takes the time to get to know each student and forms strong relationships with children and families. She volunteers at many school events to help build those relationships. She comes in long before her contractual time each day to help prepare engaging classroom activities.

Kerry Bean works in  Grade 4. She is dedicated and hardworking. She is always willing to go above and beyond to help in so many ways. ESPS like Kerry help make our jobs possible and help create a positive learning environment for our students. She works to build relationships with each of the students in the classes she services and throughout the building as well.

Michelle Baddour works in our Assessment Center. She works so hard to build strong relationships with all her students. It’s obvious that she genuinely cares for all of our students and this has a positive impact on their learning. She also works the Discovery Club program supporting students after school.

Sydney Smith returned to Lower School this year and works in our TLC program. Last year she worked in Grade 4 at Tilton Upper. She is always positive, smiling and laughing. She always takes the time to build amazing relationships with her students.  Sydney creates a positive learning environment and continuously supports TLC students in all areas.  She loves creating fun activities and is always willing to step into any role that is asked of her.

A Note from the Health Office
Per the CDC guidelines, if you are exposed/in close contact with someone who tests positive for Covid, quarantine is no longer required or recommended for children or staff. All exposed individuals may continue to attend programming as long as they remain asymptomatic i.e. fever free. Please contact the Health Office if you have any questions. Thank you,
Nurse Christi
Nurse Lisa
Nurse Veronica

Checking in at the office
Please make sure if you need to drop something off or see the school nurse that you first check in at the main office. You will sign in and be given a visitor badge to wear while you are in the building. Families should not be going up or down stairs, unless you are here for an event in a different location. On those occasions, you will sign in and out on a specific sign in sheet and be directed to that location.

If your child is absent please call the school as soon as possible to report the absence.  This should be done in addition to notifying the teacher via REMIND app.  If your child has been out ill and seen by a health care provider, please send a note to the school- these absences will be excused.  Please make sure that the school has all updated phone numbers.

Picture Day Retakes
Picture Retake Day is November 21st.

Device insurance info
All students in HPS receive a chromebook and a charger. We strongly recommend all families sign up for device insurance to cover any loss or damage. You can sign up here. The deadline has been extended to December 1st.  https://www.haverhill-ps.org/technology/device-insurance/

Should you not opt in for insurance, you will be accountable for any damage or loss. Students should bring their chromebook to school each day, fully charged. We are seeing a number of students not bringing them in. We have very few devices to loan students.

11/22 Early Release 11:35/Tilton Spirit Day
11/23-11/24: No School Thanksgiving break
11/29: Early Release 11:35-Staff PD

Be sure to check the website regularly! https://tilton.haverhill-ps.org/ I posted pictures from our Kindergarten Thanksgiving show for families to see!

On behalf of the staff at Tilton, I want to wish you all a fantastic Thanksgiving. Hoping you all spend it with friends and family and you enjoy, rest, and relax. We are so grateful for our school community!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Mrs. Mackay