Teachers’ Negotiations Session between the HEA and the School Committee Teachers’ Negotiating Subcommittee
Haverhill High School LibraryCity Clerk Posting Executive Session Teachers’ Negotiations 09.13.22 09.20.22, 10.03.22
City Clerk Posting Executive Session Teachers’ Negotiations 09.13.22 09.20.22, 10.03.22
City Clerk Posting Remote Policy Subcommittees 09.14.22
City Clerk Posting Executive Session Teachers’ Negotiations 09.13.22 09.20.22, 10.03.22
Join us for our first family night! A fun way to welcome back our families! A flyer is coming home soon so be on the lookout! Hamburgers and Hotdogs will be served and there will be some fun activities for kiddos! UPDATE: EVENT HAS MOVED TO CONSENTINO
09.20.22 PM Hybrid Regular Meeting Agenda 09.22.22 (1) (1) HSC Portfolio 09.22.22
Join us for our first PTO meeting on September 27th @ 6:00 virtually!
Wear your Tilton Gear or Orange, Blue, and White! Show your Tilton Spirit!
City Clerk Posting Executive Session Teachers’ Negotiations 09.13.22 09.20.22, 10.03.22